2012年08月22日 09:17 来源:渠道网 简介始于1999年,经历6年的技术积累,于2006年3月成立重庆洗衣服务有限公司,特面向各省市发展连锁加盟。公司先后获得《各省市洗染业实力品牌》《2009品牌中国(干洗行业)年度创新人物》、《各省市洗染行业技术能手》、“2008-2009年度诚信连锁企业”、 “2009年度重庆市好连锁企业”、 “5.12汶川捐赠 “高明爱心企业” 等荣誉;自己研制 洗衣事故《局部颜色修复技术》、《意大利芬妮斯皮革养护培训》导师组成员;通过《人体接触实际无毒》检测、**《跨省市特许经营备案》称号备案号:050060140090008;是《重庆晨报.小店长创业联盟》创业导师、中国专职《洗衣师职业培训师》、洗染业《各省市级考评员》等国内外国内殊荣40多项,在业内享有较高的社会实力度和美誉度。
公司积很响应各省市号召,以创业带动就业,帮助中小投资者进入洗衣行业,并以 重庆 作为总部,积很向各省市发展好的加盟商,目前已在各省市15个省市地区,建立了150多家分店,解决了近400人的就业问题。同时公司注重企业文化建设,响应党的号召,关爱弱势群体,积很的向困难群众捐款、捐物,帮助他们度过难关,并经常组织员工参加街道、社区组织的各项文化活动,充分调动企业员工的积很性,为一方经济建设和繁荣作出卓越贡献。
Isabella Laundry Service Co., Ltd. In March 2006,The company has received " Trans-province &trans-city franchise record of The PRC Ministry of Commerce ", "2009 50th International laundry industry excellent chain ", "2009 Annual Innovation People of Brand of China (the dry cleaning industry)", " Technology experts of National dyeing industry "," Integrity Chain of 2008-2009 "," 2009 Outstanding Chongqing chain "and other 40 international and domestic awards. So the company enjoys high social visibility and reputation in laundry industry.
Isabella responds positively to the national call , using “start career to help employment”, helping small investors to enter the laundry industry. It is based in Chongqing Shapingba Lianfang Park as headquarters, positively develops qualified franchisees nationwide, till now establishes more than 150 branches in 15 areas across the country, so nearly solve the employment of 400 people. Meanwhile, the company focus on corporate culture ,also responding to the CCP call, it cares of vulnerable groups ,contributes funds and goods to the poor people for pulling through , and it often organizes employees to participate in the cultural activities organized by Street &Community .Isabella Fully mobilizes it’s employees’ enthusiasm to contribute to the economic development and prosperity of Chongqing.
联系方式:总部地址: 重庆市南岸区南坪西路23号金台大厦13楼邮编: 400060电话: 086-023-62898100、62898500、62897100传真: 086-023-62898100邮箱: 953919805@qq.com网址: http://www.lsbl.com.cn